With almost 100 years of experience in the local healthcare industry, we always strive for excellence. We’re proud of our achievements and hope to continue breaking new boundaries in healthcare and medicine.
The hospital is supported by dedicated physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals, and employs modern medical equipment to provide quality healthcare. We look forward to not only providing quality healthcare services but also educating the community to make informed choices about their general well-being.
Joint Commision International
(JCI) accreditation
6th Cycle, 2023-2026
Baby Friendly Hospital
Initiative (BFHI)
6th Cycle, 2022-2025
Health Promoting Hospital (HPH)
4th Cycle, 2024-2027
Malaysia Society Quality
In Health (MSQH)
7th Cycle, 2023-2027
The hospital’s main kitchen, cafeteria & commisary are halal certified.