Provides Excellent Health For All

Penang Adventist Hospital is a people-centred teaching and learning healthcare system with international quality wholistic care.

Meet Our New Doctors

We are constantly inviting professional doctors to join our medical team
in order to provide quality medical service to the general public.
We are constantly inviting professional doctors to join our medical team in order to provide quality medical service to the general public.

Radiology / Interventional Radiology

MBBS (UM), MRad (UM), MMed (Diagnostic Radiology) (Singapore), FRCR (UK)


MBBS (Manipal), MRCPsych (UK)


MBBS (M’pal), M.Psych.Med (Malaya), F’ship.Neuropsych (Melb), FAMM


MBBS (Manipal), MRCPCH (UK)





Penang Adventist Hospital was established in 1924 by Dr J. Earl Gardner

The Penang Adventist Hospital (PAH) is part of an International Adventist Network of some 600 not-for-profit hospitals, clinics and dispensaries worldwide. From its humble beginnings, PAH has continuously grown to become a tertiary healthcare centre for the Malaysian community and International visitors. The hospital is supported by dedicated physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals, and employs modern medical equipment to provide quality healthcare. We look forward to not only providing quality healthcare services but also educating the community to make informed choices about their general well-being.

Penang Adventist Hospital was established in 1924 by Dr J. Earl Gardner

The Penang Adventist Hospital (PAH) is part of an International Adventist Network of some 600 not-for-profit hospitals, clinics and dispensaries worldwide. From its humble beginnings, PAH has continuously grown to become a tertiary healthcare centre for the Malaysian community and International visitors.

The hospital is supported by dedicated physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals, and employs modern medical equipment to provide quality healthcare. We look forward to not only providing quality healthcare services but also educating the community to make informed choices about their general well-being.

Why Choose Us?

We are a team that is committed to the highest standards of patient care by providing quality healthcare services, advanced technology and facilities, ensuring the best care for today’s patients and future generations.

Licensed Bed





Penang Adventist Hospital Charity

Penang Adventist Hospital has been actively involved in charity work since its inception in 1924. This mission has thrived and remained as one of our core mission since then.

Adventist Lifestyle Centre
At Adventist Lifestyle Centre (ALC), we provide a suite of clinical services to cater your needs, from wellness checkup to vaccination and visa screening.
The charity arm of the hospital has come a long way since its early beginnings and we have continued to provide quality healthcare even to those who were unable to fully meet the cost of their medical bills. This is made possible by the availability of the hospital’s various funds and the support of the community.
Community health
Prevention is better than cure. Penang Adventist Hospital, as a Health-Promoting Hospital, brings you on the journey towards Holistic health. We believe in preventive care & lifestyle intervention are the preliminary approaches to make people physically, mentally, emotionally and socially healthy.
At Penang Adventist Hospital, we provide whole-person care by meeting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of patients. When you are admitted to the hospital, you might not be feeling emotionally healthy. Our Chaplains provide emotional and spiritual support to patients, religious of their religious affiliation, so that you and your family can have a comfortable stay during your time at Penang Adventist Hospital.

Latest Events

At Penang Adventist Hospital, we actively organise community events and training classes to help the public
to shape a healthier lifestyle and also to equip them with health knowledge to assists them in making informative
health related life choices.

Medical Articles
& Newsletters

Our blog posts serve as a purpose to nurture the community about health and wellness. Featuring a wealth of educational and verified information in health care industries, our purpose is to empower readers with medical, clinical and health knowledge.

Accreditations & Awards

We are a team that is committed to the highest standards of patient care by providing quality healthcare services, advanced technology and facilities, ensuring the best care for today’s patients and future generations.

Joint Commision Internation (JCI) accreditation

5th Cycle, 2019-2023

Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

6th Cycle, 2022-2026

Health Promoting Hospital (HPH)

3rd Cycle, 2021-2024

Malaysia Society Quality In Health (MSQH)

6th Cycle, 2019-2023

The hospital main kitchen, cafeteria & commissary are halal certified.

Joint Commision International (JCI) accreditation

5th Cycle, 2019-2023

Health Promoting Hospital (HPH)

3rd Cycle, 2021-2024

Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

6th Cycle, 2022-2026

The hospital main kitchen, cafeteria & commissary are halal certified.

Malaysia Society Quality In Health (MSQH)

6th Cycle, 2019-2023

packages & promotions

Penang Adventist Hospital provides health promotion programmes from time to time to encourage healthy behavior, prevent readmission and maintain quality of life of patients.

packages & promotions

Penang Adventist Hospital provides health promotion programmes from time to time to encourage healthy behavior, prevent readmission and maintain quality of life of patients.

Plan A Visit

We aim to make your hospital visit as comfortable and safe as possible. Our team is committed to providing exceptional care, and ensuring your transition back home is well coordinated by our dedicated staff. Tell us your location and we will assist you in your medical care journey.
465, Jalan Burma, 10350 George Town, Pulau Pinang.
Registration Hours
Mon - Thurs: 8:00am ~ 4:30pm
Fri & Sun: 8:00am ~ 12:30pm
465, Jalan Burma, 10350 George Town, Pulau Pinang.
Registration Hours
Mon - Thurs: 8:00am ~ 4:30pm
Fri & Sun: 8:00am ~ 12:30pm
Chat with Us
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> 50 test parameters

  • Blood Group (ABO & Rh)
  • Full Blood Examination
    • Haemoglobin
    • Total White Blood Cell – Neutrophils
    • Lymphocytes
    • Monocytes
    • Eosinophils
    • Basophils
    • Red Blood Cell Index – Total Red Blood Cell
    • MCV
    • MCH
    • MCHC
    • Platelet count
  • ESR
  • Lipids Profile
    • Total Chol
    • HDL
    • LDL
    • Trig
    • Tol Chol/HDL
  • Hep Bs Antibody (AbsAb) & Antigen (AbsAg)
  • TSH (Thyroid)
  • RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
  • AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)
  • Kidney Function
    • Urine FEME
    • Sodium
    • Potassium (K+)
    • Chloride
    • Carbon Dioxide
    • Calcium (CA ++)
    • Creatinine
    • Phosphate (PO4)
  • Uric Acid (Urate)
  • Liver Function
    • Total Bilirubin
    • Total Protein
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • AST (SGOT)
    • ALT (SGPT) & GGT